

Interview with Mario from Devangelic

  • First of all, thank you for the interview! "Devangelic" is a brutal death metal band from Italy! Tell me more about the band!

Hi, thank you for having us! As you said, we play brutal death metal and we are from Italy. Our main influences are Gorgasm, Disgorge, and Condemned, among many other legendary names in the BDM scene!

  • After the promo of 2012, the band got the opportunity to sign a deal with "Comatose Music" in 2013 to release its first full-length album "Resurrection Denied" earlier this year! Talk to me more about this album and about this move!

Yeah, we got a very good deal with Steve of Comatose Music and we're very glad he believed in us from the beginning. Our efforts have been well rewarded as the first press of the album sold out just with preorders and the US tour. We got outstanding feedback from the webzines, insiders, and especially from the fans around. We're definitely satisfied with it, but it's just the beginning!

  • What do the lyrics deal with?

Our lyrics focus on portraying the disgusting things that Catholicism, among other religions, brought into our society. We come from the "holy" city of Rome, so we live and see those things every day. It came naturally to us to write about that.

  • Are you satisfied with the feedback so far?

As I said before, we're definitely satisfied with it!

  • "Devangelic", how did you come up with the band name?

We wanted a name that could be fresh and even a little bit catchy and not too hard to remember!

  • What do you think about the metal scene in Italy? We see that many great Italian bands have appeared lately!

Yeah, it's a great thing indeed! There are a lot of great bands here and it's awesome to see that everyone is helping each other out with no jealousy. There are always exceptions to that, but I prefer not to think about them and keep focused on the great things happening in the scene!

  • What's your favorite Italian band?

Personally, I like so many ITDM bands. My most favorite are Hour Of Penance, Septycal Gorge, Bloodtruth, Antropofagus, Putridity, and Vulvectomy.

  • Tell me more about your news and upcoming events! I also noticed you're creating new merch!

We're putting out a bunch of new stuff, new shirt designs, and hoodies, and you can find everything online on our store For the next moves, we're starting the writing process of the new album and we're going to play in London on May 22nd along with many great bands. Many other news are coming soon!

  • Thank you again! Anything else you would like to add?

Thanks again for having us and keep up your great work! I just want to remind everyone to follow us on Facebook to stay updated on the band's activity at this link
