

Throne of Heresy - Realms of Desecration ~ EP review

Throne of Heresy is a band from Linköping, Sweden, formed in 2009. They started as a thrash metal band before evolving into a death metal orchestra band—a very good one! After recording their first album, "The Stench of Deceit," which deals with the theme of human deceit, Thomas Clifford joined the band as a vocalist in February 2013. Two months later, they began recording a new EP called "Realms of Desecration," which contains three new songs. The band members are Björn Ahlqvist on bass guitar, Tomas Göransson and Ted Sjulmark on guitars, and Mathias Westman on drums.

First of all, let's focus on the title "Realms of Desecration." It's a very deep one that might give you an idea about the EP and its meaning. Desecration is what we truly feel from the growling and grunting of Thomas while listening to the songs. We can feel the force as well as the weakness. An atmosphere of panic and anger is accompanied by powerful drums that enhance this atmosphere and align with the lyrics, along with awesome riffs and epic solos.

Let's now contemplate the cover: a huge skull made of the darkness of trees and roots with a shiny side. All these elements represent the title of the EP and come together to give it an artistic touch. "Realms of Desecration" is an EP of only 13:44 minutes, but it's really capable of changing your mood!

The band is now working on songs for their upcoming full-length album, which will be recorded later this year.

Check out the band here .

                                    Rating : 6,5/10