

Interview with Tobias " EX- Vomitory"

I'm so honored tonight to do an interview with a band that has contributed so much to death metal. After 24 years of existence, they disbanded by the end of 2013! Yes folks, it's the Swedish death metal band VOMITORY. We'll be talking about their disbanding and the band's journey over all these years!

  • Let's start from the beginning, talk to us about the band's path and its beginning

The band was started in October 1989 by guitarist Urban Gustafsson and bassist/vocalist Ronnie Olson. I joined on drums a couple of months later since they couldn't find a suitable drummer. I was playing drums in another band at that time, and I was supposed to only help them out at one show and until they found a new drummer. But apparently, I remained in the band until the very end.

We started out like all other death metal bands in the beginning of the '90s - we did demos, played as many shows as we could, and tried to get featured in as many fanzines as possible to spread our name. But we didn't really have any high ambitions back then. We just wanted to have a good time together, playing death metal and enjoying the underground scene with shows, fanzines, etc. And that's basically how we lived our death metal lives until we got our first record deal, which resulted in our debut album "Raped In Their Own Blood" in 1996. During the first couple of years, we expanded the lineup from a trio to a five-piece, and we remained a five-piece until the end of 1999. After the release of our debut album, we noticed a huge difference in the interest of our band. Soon we did our first tour in Europe, our second album "Redemption" was released, and by the end of 1999, we inked a deal with Metal Blade Records which we stayed with until the end.

  • After 24 years of existence, many released albums, many achieved goals… Vomitory arrived at the end, how did you guys come up with the idea of disbanding? Was it planned before or did you just decide because of some factors maybe?

I think you answer much of the question yourself there - "24 years of existence, many released albums, and achieved goals...". 24 years is a lot longer than most bands ever last, and being an active band for 24 years non-stop, and being the band's driving force for most of that time, takes its toll of course. For me personally, this has been growing on me for a couple of years, so even if it was a very tough decision to make, it didn't come out of the blue. We simply came to a point where we didn't feel like moving on. There are a lot of different reasons for our decision. But what's most important is that it was a collective decision and it was not based on any disagreements or personal conflicts within the band. We are still good friends, and that feels great!

  • Did "Vomitory" finish their mission? I mean did you achieve all your goals?

Yes, I think we finished it. We did the best death metal we could and enjoyed the heck out of it for as long as it lasted. There are, of course, a lot of things that we wanted to have done but never did. Like touring the US and South America, for example. But we're not bitter about that. We achieved a lot of things during the band's existence - things that we never expected. We are very humble in that sense. When we started the band, we never even thought we would ever release an album.

  • Some members have changed over the years, and of course, they were and they're still part of the VOMITORY family! What could you tell us about the former members?

I run into some of them every now and then, and it's great to have a chat with them. For example, Thomas (former bass player) lives in Gothenburg since many years, is happily married, and works for Volvo Cars. He doesn't play in a band anymore, though. Ronnie (ex-vocals, founding member together with Urban) is doing vocals and bass in Turbocharged, and Jussi (ex-vocals) lives in Stockholm since a few years back and works at an oil rig in the North Sea. I'm not sure if he's in a "serious" band these days, but I know for sure that he writes and records stuff at home. These three guys have all recently joined us on stage at different times playing a few songs with us, which was a total blast!

  • What's your best memory from Vomitory?

That we stayed true to ourselves, both musically and everything else that being in a band involves. We did things the way we wanted and didn't care too much about what the scene looked like at the moment. Also, that we got signed to one of the most classical metal labels, Metal Blade Records, and got to tour with many of the biggest names in death metal - Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Vader, Nile, Amon Amarth, Malevolent Creation, Hypocrisy, etc.

  • What advice would you give to the new death metal bands?

Believe in what you're doing. If you let the current trend guide your musical direction, you will lose all your credibility eventually. Don't believe you're a rockstar because you are not. Be humble towards other bands because they probably work just as hard - or even harder - than you and your band do. Stay off drugs and don't text while driving. And don't forget to have fun!

  • And in the end, would you like to say something to your fans about their love and support during these years?

Thank you very much for your support and dedication! It means everything to us!! Keep supporting death metal!


Just as I expected, Fleshgod Apocalypse’s LABYRINTH did it again with 17 out of 38 votes (44%)! There's a lot to say about this album, but I'll keep it brief...

I still get the same feeling as the first day when I listened to it! Once I click play, TARAA, I'm transported to Knossos inside a labyrinth, hearing the sounds of pain, sorrow, death, and revenge in every verse I read and every prayer he prayed. The lyrics are so emotional and strong, full of sentiments, suffering, and pain. As much as Tommaso attracts us with his voice, Francesco Paoli excites us with the drums. Cristiano and Paolo played important roles as well; when the riffs and solos embrace the orchestra, something truly epic and atmospheric is born! We can obviously taste the tech death! And after all this war and brutality, after screaming and seeking revenge, the master of keyboard, Francesco Ferrini, concludes the album with an instrumental masterpiece entitled Labyrinth, which truly blows the mind!

The album, in general, is well worked. What I like the most about FA is that they're so unique and original!

I think that's all. I don't have anything else to add. I'll just suggest you check out the album if you haven't already, especially if you're looking for some good symphonic technical death metal!

Interview with Ariën from "Epica"

First of all, I want to thank you for this chance!

Ariën: You're welcome!

  • Let's start with Retrospect, Epica's anniversary show with a 70-piece orchestra, choirs, international guests, and many special effects. Can you tell me more about this event?

Ariën: It was a very special project for us, and a true highlight in our 10-year journey. We organized an extra big show at the 'Klokgebouw' in Eindhoven (the Netherlands), a big concert hall with a capacity of 4500 people. We had a great time preparing for this event, which was a huge deal of work though, but definitely worth it! It was great fun to work with the Miscolcj orchestra again, with whom we worked in 2008 during the Classical Conspiracy project. It all slowly came together during the days prior to the show, and it was very cool to see how everything fell into place during the rehearsals, up to the point of the show itself. It was a huge thrill for us to play such a show, with a full orchestra, choir, pyro-effects, acrobats... and for such an amazing crowd!! We wanted to celebrate this event with our fans in a way that it would leave an extra big impression on everybody who was there, and for everybody who's going to see the Blu-ray and DVD. I think we got to a milestone in our career with Retrospect.

  • After the Retrospect movie theater premieres in many places, it's officially out on November 26. Are you satisfied with the feedback so far?

Ariën: We got a lot of positive reviews, and all our fans are very happy with the outcome of the live recordings!! I'm very satisfied with the feedback and reactions so far!

  • As special guests, there were Ad Sluijter, Yves Huts, and Jeroen Simons. How did these people positively affect Epica's path and participate in achieving what the band is now?

Ariën: I think that they are happy for us and how we got to the point that we are now. They had a lot of fun being on stage again and playing a song with their old bandmates. It was cool, and I think they're proud as well to have been part of Epica for such a long time.

  • Do you think Epica has changed after these 10 years?

Ariën: Yes, I do, especially musically and professionally we have grown a lot. We've been touring a lot lately, and every time we are on stage, we grow in experience and performance. And throughout the years, we learned from things we maybe should have done differently.

  • How do you see the band in another 10 years from now?

Ariën: Still alive, healthy, touring, having fun doing what we do.

  • Does Epica still have goals to achieve?

Ariën: It would be awesome to do an arena tour!! Bigger crowds, more energy - everything to a higher plan.

  • Let’s talk a bit about the future. Can you tell me more about your upcoming events?

Ariën: We'll be touring and promoting our new upcoming album. We'll start playing festivals first next year, then we'll be touring North-, Central-, and South-America, Europe, and for the rest, we'll be planning to do more.

  • You’re now recording a new album. Can you tell us a bit about it and its release?

Ariën: I can't tell too much about it, except that it's going to be a beautifully brutal crystal-clear heavy album!! Lot of catchy songs to bang your head off!!

  • And in the end, the question that has been asked by all your fans here: are you planning on playing any shows in Morocco?

Ariën: We don't have anything planned in Morocco so far, but who knows; I'd be up to it for sure!