

Interview with Cristiano Trionfera from "Fleshgod Apocalypse".

A band that straddles the brutality of technical death metal and the epicness of symphony! Their new album is one of the most successful of the year, and they still have so much more to offer! Ladies and gentlemen, I had the great honor of interviewing the Vocalist/Guitarist of the Italian band FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE about their latest release, "Labyrinth."

1-First of all, I would like to thank you for your time and for the chance you gave to Metalitty webzine to talk more about your path. Let's start with "Labyrinth," the first concept album based on the labyrinth of Knossos. Can you tell me more about it? And how did you get the idea to write about this part of Greek mythology?

We're always searching for topics that interest us and that can give us the chance to develop a fitting atmosphere and description of what we think our music should create in an album. We usually start talking about the next album's lyric concept quite a few months before working properly on the music. It is very important for us to make sure the music and the lyrics fit well to create the picture we have in mind. Greek mythology has always been a part of our heritage, since we studied ancient Greek culture at school. Also, we're all fascinated by it, and it came out perfectly to design the metaphor, as most ancient myths do, of the modern and actual human condition.

2-What makes "Labyrinth" different from the other albums?

The first thing I can tell you is that this time we worked with more time to spend on the details. The writing process was long and stressful, but we managed to put many more things inside the album than in the past, since we wanted to take a step forward. The harmonies and melodies of "Labyrinth" are much more complex and yet more direct than what we have been doing in "Agony," and it all came out like a very twisted musical maze, along with the lyrics, which are much more detailed and developed into the storyline. "Labyrinth" is different from the previous albums because with this one, you'll hear Fleshgod Apocalypse at their highest level so far.

3-We haven’t heard Paolo's voice in "Labyrinth" as we did in "Agony"; many fans are wondering why!

In "Labyrinth," we found ourselves in the need of having the characters of the story interacting, and the different voices in this album are thought of as the different people acting in the concept and shaping the story as it has to. We approach the vocals like everything else in the composition, as an instrument meant to be structured into the whole thing and interacting with the music and, more importantly, with the concept.

4- Are you satisfied with the reaction of your fans towards "Labyrinth" so far?

We're not only satisfied but really amazed by the reaction. We can see the fan base growing every day, and we feel really proud when we receive the fans' comments and feedback on our work.

5- Are you planning to make a new video?

Yes, we are. Actually, we will be working on that soon, so hopefully, you'll see something really cool in the near future.

6- Your music is a mix between the epicness of symphony and the brutality of technical death! If you had to give a name to your kind, what would you name it?

We like to call our music symphonic extreme metal. I think it fits well.

7-Who inspires you to write such music? And is there any particular process in writing it?

Well, the inspiration comes from a lot of things. Obviously, the musical inspiration comes from our years of listening to music and enjoying making it, along with all the music that comes out nowadays that we like and respect artistically. The writing process starts with Francesco Paoli and Francesco Ferrini sitting together to write the music, after we all discuss the concept and how we want it to develop. Then, once the structure of the songs is done (even roughly), we work on the lyrics of the specific songs. On "Labyrinth," the lyrics were mainly developed by Tommaso and Paolo.

8-Who was behind the amazing idea of performing in grimy makeup and dusty costumes from the 17th century?

We've always wanted to go further on our path of building up a proper show, and the basic idea of the band has driven us to this, since the visual part of the project has always been important to us. Francesco Paoli came up with the idea years ago now, and we have worked to develop it as our attitude regarding what we felt the band would have sounded and looked like has grown in us.

9-Tell me more about your news and upcoming events!

Well, we're currently working on several things and planning the live work for 2014 to promote our music in different areas than the ones we have been working on so far. We're now playing some festivals here in Europe, then in January and February, we'll be on a big tour all around Europe along with Kataklysm and Krisiun. Afterwards, you'll see us playing in places that are new for us, so stay tuned if you live where we have never played before, because you might have good news.

10-Do you have any message for your Moroccan fans and Metalitty readers in general?

You guys keep it up with the great work and keep on listening to good music. We would love to come visit your country at one point. For now, enjoy metal music and support your favorite bands! Cheers to all of you.